Leather and Steel Bar Stool | Price Per Stool

LKR 50,765.00

Kindly note that the above image is a stock photo and our vendor will replicate it as closely as possible. If any elements of the product is unavailable in the local market (i..e the exact wheels), an equally beautiful substitute will be used in its place.

Please note the following points:

– The minimum order quantity is 2Nos.
– The prices quoted are exclusive as fabric cost. Our customers are either welcome to provide the fabric to us, or it will be billed separately at cost.
– The price quoted is inclusive of delivery charges within Colombo; if the delivery is to be made out of Colombo, the customer will be charged accordingly
– The wood used on any of the products has a 10 year warranty
– A sample drawing with dimensions and the materials that will be used will be shown to the customer prior to production. Once approved, the team will initiate production. Any changes made thereafter are chargeable.
– Please note the lead-time for all Siarra and Co products is 6-8 weeks from the date of order confirmation